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Five Precautions to Take When Installing A Car Battery

The product life cycle of car batteries is no more than three, depending on driving, weather conditions and accessories used in the car. Any fault in the battery can affect the performance of the car. Replacing the car battery comes with its fair share of trouble for car owners, however, before you try to remove the battery on your own always refer to the car manual. Follow these tips for during your car battery installation Dubai vehicle.

Car Battery Installation in Dubai

Wear Appropriate Clothing

As most of the batteries are made using kind of acids it is advised that the person handling the battery, remove all metal items and wear coveralls to prevent themselves from any kind of electric shock as the battery is adjacent to the engine or you come into contact with battery acid.

Car's Location

Next, make sure that the vehicle is turned off and the emergency brakes are in place. It is also recommended keeping the vehicle away from people and objects that might explode in case of any electrical fault. 

Handle with Care

In order to detach the battery from its tray and casing, you must loosen its bracket and always detach the negative cable then detach the positive wire. Also, take necessary precautions to avoid any injury caused due to lifting the battery.

Clean the Casing

Once you have detached the battery and removed it safely, you must clean the case with soda to remove rust or acid that may have leaked from the battery. These residues can harm the engine. After cleaning the case and tray, place it back into its assigned place.

Check the Wires

After cleaning the battery case and tray, it is time to replace the battery. While attaching the cables you must first plug the positive wire first and then a negative. Always double-check that you have secured the battery in its properly.

Check the Wires of the car battery

Additional Tip

Ignition: If the car doesn't start at once after changing the battery there is no need to panic. It is urged that you give some time to the vehicle so that it can adjust itself to the new battery. In the meantime, check that the new battery is secured properly to brackets and wires are connected to the right terminals, only then start the car. It is advisable to check it now, before it’s too late.

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