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How to Know if Your Skin Needs a Hydrating Cream

To know when you need to apply hydrating cream to those dried out spots; you need to know the difference between moisturizing cream and hydrating cream. The core ingredients in moisturizing and hydrating creams are essential oils and hyaluronic acid respectively. Dehydration of the skin can also be caused by a lack of water in the body. Whatever we eat or drink is reflected in the condition of our skin. For example, binge drinking or consuming large amounts of sugar may cause the skin to break out in acne or to become dried out. Hydrating cream UAE is focused on the average woman in Dubai and her needs with regard to skin care. Every destination is different when it comes to weather and temperature, be sure your moisturizer can withstand the elements.

Hydrating Cream UAE

Applying make-up is a disaster

If you are used to applying make-up frequently, you know what it feels like and how it sticks to your skin. You will realize that your skin may be dehydrated when applying make-up becomes a struggle. Foundation can become blotchy when applied to dehydrated skin. Therefore, it is wise to apply hydrating moisturizer before applying your foundation. Mixing your hydrating moisturizer with your foundation is also a great way to avoid hydrated skin in the long run.

Your skin has become dull

As we age, new skin cells are supposed to reach the surface to make the skin seem rejuvenated. Due to a lack of hydration, the new cells struggle to reproduce at the same pace it always has. Therefore, when your skin appears dull, it could be because of the fact that your skin is thinner than usual. Hydrating the skin will speed up the reproduction process of new cells which will make the skin appear healthy and new.

Hydrating Cream Dubai

Acne and wrinkles

The lack of water in your body and in your cream can cause wrinkles to be created even faster. If your skin is dried out, it will cause your wrinkles to appear deeper than usual. This is also the case when you are tired out. People believe that acne is caused by oily and overly moisturized skin. Even if it may be true, it is not healthy to deprive your skin of oils or moisture. The skin is an organ and it is used to operating in certain ways. When your skin is dry, it makes up for it by an overproduction of the same. The excess amount of oil on the skin can then cause acne.

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