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The Causes of Acne and How Its Treated

While most people assume that acne is a part of those angst-filled teenage years, they would be surprised to know that this annoying skin condition can pop up in adults too, on any part of the body and face. Hot temperatures in Dubai and the UAE can aggravate the misery. Apart from the pain and irritation, severe acne can leave permanent scars. There are many possible causes for acne. In mild cases, the person may experience a sparse scattering of pimples across the face/back. In severe cases, inflammation with pus-filled nodules and cysts can occur. Dermatologists/medical specialists provide effective treatments for severe and long-lasting conditions. For milder cases, home remedies and OTC medications could work. It’s important to understand that acne treatments work best when the underlying cause is correctly identified. Professional skin clinics like SunFace Medical Aesthetic Center can give you the right advice and assistance.

Causes of Acne

Acne is caused by overproduction of skin sebum that combines with dead skin, bacteria and other products that block the skin’s pores. Though the exact causes may be difficult to pin-point, some of them include:


Persons who have a family history of acne stand a greater chance of developing it. Some families have genetic mutations that cause more oily sebum production or dead skin cells.


Hormonal activity

Hormonal activity during puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, menopause, etc. can cause acne outbreaks in women. In men, genetics plays a role, along with reactions to certain medications, excessive sweating and oil-production.


Humidity causes excessive sweating, making the skin the ideal breeding ground for acne-causing bacteria. Exposure to polluted environments and dirt are other reasons.


Some oil-based cosmetics can cause the pores to get blocked. Certain types of fabric, especially those that touch the face and back may trigger acne. Medications like lithium, steroids etc. can cause acne.


Anxiety, depression, stress etc. can raise hormonal levels, triggering acne attacks.


Acne Treatments

Prevention is the best course. Ensure regular cleansing. Use oil-free cosmetics and sun-protection. Look for the NC (Non-Comedogenic) label on skin/hair-care product.

Topical, OTC products

Lotions, creams, cleansing-bars, gels, wipes etc. are useful in mild/occasional outbreaks. They may contain benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, sulfur, etc.

Retinoic Acid

It is effective in moderate to slightly severe cases, usually prescribed with antibiotics and sunscreen.

Surgery and Laser

Used for scar reduction and acne removal.

Hormone Therapy

Low-dose estrogen, contraceptive pills, anti-androgen medication etc. can be used if acne is caused by hormonal imbalance.

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