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Three Reasons - Why You Need a Cloud-Based Disaster Recovery Solution

A power outage or any technical issues that affect your cloud-based software can lead to a raft of negative consequences for your business. The outcomes can be a loss of productivity or in some cases, a breach in your data privacy. That is why it’s vital that all businesses consult cloud services UAE to utilize a proven recovery system in circumstances where their cloud software is compromised. Cloud disaster recovery in Dubai will ensure that your business is not severely impacted. This means your cloud-based software will soon be ‘live’ again and your business will be equipped to continue in its work.

Cloud Disaster Recovery in Dubai

You Can’t Afford Downtime

Every time that your cloud system is impacted or offline, this equates to a loss of productivity. No matter how long your system is affected, this loss in productivity generally correlates to a loss of earnings for your business. As well as tangible financial costs to your business, there are also other factors at stake. This could include a negative perception from customers due to the fact they can’t access their data. If this problem occurs frequently, your brand could suffer, and customers are likely to take their business elsewhere. This would then require more time on your part to attempt to retain these customers or acquire new customers.

Back-ups Aren’t Always Reliable

Many business owners operate under the false assumption that their data can always be backed-up. This is simply not realistic.

Even If you choose to back-up your data daily, then you still risk losing a day’s worth of data before the actual ‘back-up’ has been implemented. The task of performing a back-up can also be time-consuming and quite laborious for staff. Worst of all, many local back-ups can become targeted by malicious software that emanates from online hackers. And if you happen to lose power in your office, there are no circumstances in which a back-up can be performed.

Cloud Disaster Recovery in UAE

Cloud-based Disaster Recovery is Much Easier

The old system of disaster recovery was enough to scare away many business owners. It was complicated, stressful, and would inevitably take your IT team forever to properly resolve. In many circumstances, disaster recovery was simply not possible because businesses did not have the means nor the budget to resolve issues as they arose. However, cloud-based software has made disaster recovery easier and less expensive to perform. The primary reason for this is that utilizing cloud-based software means that your IT resources are not stretched. You don’t need to pay for IT experts to fix everyday issues. In many instances, the cloud is automated to securely do this for you.

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