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Tracing the Origin of Simultaneous Translation Equipment

Simultaneous translation is the process of translating an oral statement from one language to another as it is being spoken. This separates it from consecutive translation, which waits for the speaker to finish before making an interpretation. Simultaneous translation is generally used in proceedings which see one person addressing a large gathering of people in a language they do not speak.

Today, there is a high demand for simultaneous translation systems UAE. They are used by most businesses in the country to ensure smooth communication between foreign employees and international clients. But despite their current popularity, simultaneous translation systems were not always so common. It’s difficult to pinpoint the exact origin of simultaneous translation equipment. We know prototypes were being designed as early as the beginning of the 20th century. However, they did not become commonplace for another half-century.

Simultaneous Translation System UAE

Edward Filene

Few people played a more important role in the development of simultaneous translation equipment than Edward Filene. Like many entrepreneurs of his time, Filene saw the demand for what we now know as simultaneous translation. Throughout the 1920s and 30s, he worked with a British engineer by the name of Alan Gordon Finlay to create a device that could fill that demand. When the pair became involved with IBM, they pretty much cemented their spots as industry pioneers. Together, they provided the foundation for modern simultaneous interpretation equipment.

Simultaneous Translation at Nuremberg

The world was first introduced to the simultaneous translation equipment pioneered by Edward Filene and Alan Gordon Finlay during the Nuremberg trials. The trials ran from 1945 to 1946 and tried two dozen prominent members of the Nazi party. Because the trials were held in Germany but attended by representatives from all Ally states, simultaneous translation was necessary. Although there were some obvious kinks in the equipment used, it proved largely effective. In the years that followed, it became a fixture of courtrooms the world over.

Simultaneous Translation System Dubai

Simultaneous Translation Today

Today, simultaneous translation relies on all around the world. Most notably, you’ll see simultaneous translation equipment is used during gatherings of the United Nations. However, it is also utilized for court cases, business conferences, and interviews.

The UAE relies very heavily on simultaneous translation to ensure its economy continues to thrive. Virtually every company in the country employs a smorgasbord of professionals from all over the world. This makes simultaneous translation an integral part of the day-to-day running of UAE businesses. Simultaneous translation equipment can be found in offices and conference rooms across the country.

The use of simultaneous translation equipment on a daily basis is remarkable when you consider the pains Edward Filene went through when producing his initial design. Less than a century ago it was something of a novelty, reserved exclusively for major international events. Today, however, it is available to businesses the world over. In the coming years, we may even see it become a staple of classrooms, theatres, and sporting events.

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